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SEI GitLab Enterprise integration

GitLab Enterprise is a commercial, self-hosted version of the GitLab platform.

It offers advanced features and support for organizations, making it suitable for large enterprises and businesses that require enhanced security, scalability, and customization options for their software development and DevOps workflows.

Use the SEI Gitlab Enterprise integration to integrate SEI with Gitlab Enterprise.

To integrate SEI with GitLab Enterprise, you have two options based on the accessibility of your GitLab instance:

  • Private on-premise GitLab Integration: Integration with a private instance of GitLab using an API key.
  • Public on-premise GitLab Integration: Integration of on-premise instance of GitLab that is publicly accessible using an API key.

Configure the authentication

SEI communicates with GitLab Enterprise by setting up authentication using a Personal Access Token (PAT). you must create a GitLab personal access token to configure the SEI GitHub integration. To learn more on this, Go to Configuring the authentication.

Configue the integration

The private on-premise integrations are configured using a SEI Satellite. Follow the instructions to download the Satellite configuration file.

  1. Select Integrations under Settings.

  2. Select Available Integrations, locate the GitLab Enterprise integration, and select Install.

  3. Select Private on-premise GitLab Integration

  4. In Integration Name, enter a name for the integration.

  5. Add a Description for the integration. (Optional)

  6. In the URL field, add the URL where your Gitlab repository is deployed.

    For example, if your Gitlab is deployed on a virtual machine (VM), add the URL in the format: https://<GITLAB_INSTANCE_URL>.

  7. Enter the Personal Access Token in the API key section.

  8. Add the Tags for the integration

  9. If applicable, configure Additional Options:

    1. Fetch PRs: Allow SEI to ingest PR data from Gitlab.
    2. Fetch Issues: Allow SEI to ingest data from Gitlab Issues.
    3. Fetch Projects: Allow SEI to ingest data from Gitlab Projects.
    4. Fetch Commits: Allow SEI to ingest commit metadata from Gitlab.
    5. Fetch Commit Files: Allow SEI to ingest data within commits from Gitlab.
  10. Select Next and click on Download Config and save the satellite.yml file. Update it following the instructions here.

Here’s a sample satellite.yml file:

tenant: <ACCOUNT_ID>
api_key: <ACCOUNT_API_KEY>
url: '' # Note that this URL is relative to the environment you are using.
- id: '<INTEGRATION_ID>' # For ex: 4692
application: gitlab
api_key: <GITLAB_PAT>
fetch_prs: true
fetch_issues: true
fetch_projects: true
fetch_commits: true
fetch_commit_files: true
fetch_users: true

While configuring the integration using satellite, the following are optional metadata fields that are supported to optimize the ingestion functionality:

Check Project Membershipcheck_project_membershipThe supported valuesa are True/False. By default, this field is set to True.When set to True, SEI selectively considers projects based on token owner membership. For self-hosted Gitlab instances, switching to False enables SEI to fetch all projects, regardless of the membership. You should never disable this for cloud Gitlab instances.
Fetch PR Patchesfetch_pr_patchesThe supported values are True/FalseThis field determines whether to retrieve patches or file differentials for Pull Requests (PRs).
Fetch Commit Patchesfetch_commit_patchesThe supported values are True/FalseThis field governs the inclusion of commit patches or file differentials in the data.
Fetch Pipelinesfetch_pipelinesThe supported values are True/FalseThis field specifies whether to fetch pipeline data.
PR Commit Limitpr_commit_limitDefault value: 250This field sets a cap on the number of commits fetched per Pull Request.

If you encounter any issues during the integration process, go to the Satellite integration Troubleshooting and FAQs.